Open Theism Debates

-'s Will Duffy debates Matt Slick of on YouTube. A reformed theologian later wrote,"I sincerely appreciate Denver Bible Church for hosting these debates. It was a professional effort. Wonderful job!"

Is the Future Settled or Open? An open theism written debate at with Prof. Samuel Lamerson of Knox Theological Seminary, founded by D. James Kennedy, debating Pastor Bob Enyart of Denver Bible Church who hosts for three decades daily talk radio and weekly science apologetics programs. 

James White vs. Bob Enyart before a live audience downtown Denver at the historic Brown Palace. The team organized the 2014 debate with this leading reformed theologian.

- Chris Fisher of God Is Open debates a Calvinist including on the nature of Jesus and prophecy.

- Aurora Colorado Calvary Chapel's pastor Ed Taylor and Denver Bible Church pastor Bob Enyart briefly and informally debate open theism on the radio about God being eternally free, inexhaustibly creative, and able to think new thoughts.

- Rare Arminian/Open Theism Debate: Will Duffy debates Arminian pastor Jaltus on the freedom that God had before creation!

- The North American Reformed Seminary president Dr. Larry Bray debates in writing open theism with Colorado pastor Bob Enyart.

- See also the open theism debates in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Honorable Mention: Related Debates and Discussions

Does Calvinism Present God as Good and Loving? Matt Slick vs. Will Duffy

- Will Duffy presents open theism at Pine Creek, a popular "agnostic atheist" YouTube channel

Will Duffy discusses open theism with a novice Calvinist on Marlon Wilson's The Gospel Truth on YouTube. (After weeks of promotion, Duffy's scheduled debate opponent canceled; then his replacement canceled; so Will enjoyed talking to their courageous young Calvinist friend who sat in, providing an insight that other debates don't, about how non-theologian Calvinists think about God's freedom.)

- Former Calvinist Austin Fischer debates James White on the British radio program Unbelievable. (mp3 audio right here)

Is Calvinism Biblical? debate between TNARS president Dr. Larry Bray vs. Bob Enyart which is hosted at, the official forum of

- In what may be the first ever televised debate on Predestination and Free Will, Bob Enyart and Calvinist pastor Brian Schwertley challenge each other on whether or not God can change and whether He has decreed all events.

CARM's Matt Slick vs street preacher Jesse Morrell on The Great Calvinism Debate: Free Will or Unconditional Election. Slick is the Calvinist director of CARM, the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.

And Hear Also:
- Interview with Ryan Mullins, research fellow at Scotland's University of St. Andrews and Oxford Studies author of The End of the Timeless God.
- The broadcast event with Liberty University's associate professor Dr. Richard Holland on God, Time and the Incarnation!
The Guy Who Put Two Words Together in the interview with Dr. Richard Rice who first coined the term open theism and went on to co-author The Openness of God with Pinnock, Hasker, Basinger, and Sanders.
- Will Duffy on Denver radio discussing the film Calvinist and John Calvin's Institutes, Book 1, Chapter 18.

In Passing: Can a toy falsify a theology? For those who have been told that God decrees everything, thus making Him the author of every thought and word, consider the following toy made in China, along with 1 Cor. 14:33, "God is not the author of confusion..."


Can a toy falsify a theology? God is not the author of confusion, so did not decree this toy!